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ER: The Game - aktualizacja do gry wersja - patch #1 - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry ER: The Game z gatunku Gry Symulacje, wersja patch #1, data publikacji 10 czerwca 2005.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku6,2 MB


pobrań (7 dni)1

data aktualizacji10 czerwca 2005

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wersja: Patch #1

Patch rozwiązuje problemy ze złym wykorzystaniem pamięci RAM, co powoduje spowolnienia w działaniu gry i jej zawieszanie się, a także poprawia kilka innych wykrytych błędów. Szczegóły poniżej (w j. angielskim):


- Fixed rare crash during transition from ep4 to ep5

- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect ambient audio sounds to play in the WR/Triage

- Fixed a bug that caused ambient audio not to play until moving your character into a new room

- Fixed a bug that caused non-player characters to intermittently "appear" invisible at the start of episodes

- Fixed minor text errors in Episode "Greatest Snow on Earth"

- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused character models to change appearance upon save/load

- Adjusted timing of episode title cards

- Fixed a bug that allowed multiple instances of the Setup.exe to run, giving the message, "Another Instance of this setup is already running"

- Added correct system requirements to User Guide.pdf and Readme.txt

- Updated readme.txt to indicate correct default paths

- The icon for "Confidante/Lover" in the user guide is now consistent with what is in the game

- Aligned the staff list with the character pictures in the User Guide

Improved: Performance issues

- Fixed some memory leaks that caused performance issues after extended play sessions

- Fixed some memory leaks that caused performance issues after loading saved games and also after returning from an extended pause

  • data aktualizacji: 10 czerwca 2005
  • kategoria gry: Symulacje
  • rozmiar pliku: 6,2 MB

Pliki do gry ER: The Game






7 dni

ER: The Game - patch #1 patch 6,2 MB 2005.06.10 1,8K 1
ER: The Game - patch #2 US patch 2,1 MB 2005.07.05 2,1K 1