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Dragonshard - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.2.1 UK - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Dragonshard z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.2.1 UK, data publikacji 1 lutego 2006.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku11,6 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji1 lutego 2006

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wersja: v.1.2.1 UK

Patch do brytyjskiej wersji gry strategicznej pt. Dragonshard. Poniżej pełna lista aktualizacji i poprawek:

File Details v1.2.1

New features:

- 2 new maps: Citadel of Sorrow and Dingo's Pass


- Various crashes during multiplayer matches

- Synchronization crashes

- Graphics and sound bugs

File Details v1.1.24b

No details available.

File Details v1.1.24

No details available.

File Details v1.1.4

This section lists the fixes and refinements included in this update.

This patch addresses many issues in Dragonshard. Some of the more significant is

sues are outlined here:

- A few multiplayer desynch issues were fixed.

- A couple of multiplayer connection issues were fixed.

- Many interface tweaks and fixes were made.

- Fix for units getting stuck when trying to move.

- Cheat death no longer gives experience if the unit does not die.

- Charm and disintegrate spells now work on an entire squad.

- Fixed a lockup with Kael using Vorpal Dagger on a hydra.

- The Immolation for the Phoenix now properly shuts off after spell energy is exhausted.

- Warforged Titan health reserve jumps to 85% (rather than 50%) when they get disabled.

- Fixed some issues with purchasing artifacts at the Campaign Reward Screen.

- Fixed miscellaneous population bugs.

- Fixed bug with units being knocked out of the Gelatinous Cube and immediately dying.

- Fixed bug with saving skirmish games using alternate win modes.

- Improved functionality of the Wartorn Felldrake, especially with its Ram ability.

- Improved functionality of the Cryohydra and Pyrohydra, making them much more deadly.

- Fixed issue with lack of visibility in the Underworld when in Spectator mode.

- Improved timing for cinematic dialogue.

- Improved the balance of the missions.

- Added a timer bar for summoned units such as the Minotaur.

  • data aktualizacji: 1 lutego 2006
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 11,6 MB

Pliki do gry Dragonshard






7 dni

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