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Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.05c - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.05c, data publikacji 13 lutego 2013.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku23,8 MB


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data aktualizacji13 lutego 2013

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Wersja: v.1.05c

Patch całkowity dpo gry Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue. Zadaniem łatki jest poprawienie większości błędów wykrytych od momentu wypuszczenia poprzedniej aktualizacji.

Poniżej opis aktualizacji.


*Fixes a bug with oob customizations and divisional bonus

*In the statistics the lines saying n/a n*longer popup

*A number of Army/Front level cards have been fixed in that any air or naval assets n*longer get any effect of the card and als*the bug that allowed some cards t*be played on its self is fixed.

*If you start in Trappenjagd the Germans will have a chance t*get some Karl Gerat replacements

during May-June and als*will get a few extra 210mm guns.

*Reinforcement unit cards of aircraft can now only be placed on airfields.

*Reinforcement cards cannot be played on locations with less than 800 structural points (thus not on lightly damaged towns or heavily damaged cities).

*Reinforcement units arrive with only 50AP and with 25% readiness reduction.

*Red attack arrows n*longer appear on the map when moving aircraft.

*Clicking in the detailed troop list and returning n*longer resets listbox t*top of list.

*You can n*longer play aircraft reinforcement unit cards during bad weather (since they would have arrived without bonus and would have been usable from your high command HQ).

*Romenk*staff points fixed.

*A number of issues with reinf list dates have been fixed including 203rd Rifle division and 2nd Hungarian Armoured Division arrival dates.

*The swapped prestige point statistics in Uranus have been fixed

*Hiryashev staff points fixed

*New Soviet ferry rule introduced. Port towns and all cities can ferry supplies over river t*the other side. This ferry capacity reduces a river barrier for their supply system calculations. The ferry affectivity is als*modified by any port damage. S*it’s possible for the Germans t*seriously hurt the supply stream by bombing the harbor.

*Lowered the cost of the Soviet Tiblisi card t*100 points.

*Stalingrad+Baku sudden death German victory rule replaced by Grozny+Baku sudden death rule because it is indeed more realistic t*award victory on the actual final goals of Case Blue than the rather diversionary Stalingrad town.

*Action cards had n*effect on naval and air units, but now it is als*n*longer allowed t*play action cards on naval or air units at all.

*Fixed a bug with transport aircraft being allowed missions and ranges that are out of action point range of the aircraft in question and als*improved the GUI that now shows aircraft range and predicted area supplied.

*Supply drop range from drop-point for air supply has been reduced severely. Now uses land transfer movement type instead of supply movement type.

*Maikop minor order wrong hex gets prestige point assigned bug fixed

*Soviet High Command considers its strategic position one point lower while assigning minor orders until end of august 1942. This means Soviet minor orders will tend t*be defensive in Trappenjagd.

*Problem with destroying bridges on frozen rivers repaired for new games and diminished for running games.

*Subunit creation exploit fixed.

*Airlift operations now minimally cost you 40 AP t*fly. This means maximum 2 flights per transporter unit.

  • data aktualizacji: 13 lutego 2013
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 23,8 MB

Pliki do gry Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue






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