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Combat Mission: Shock Force - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.10+ - v.1.21 US - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Combat Mission: Shock Force z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.10+ - v.1.21 US, data publikacji 12 listopada 2009.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku133,1 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji12 listopada 2009

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wersja: v.1.10+ - v.1.21 US

Patch przeznaczony jest do gry Combat Mission: Shock Force wydawanej w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Poniżej jego oryginalny opis:

Combat Mission Shock Force v1.21 features


o Soldiers on rooftops receive better cover.

o Speed difference between Fast and Quick moves is slightly increased.

o Soldiers tire more quickly moving across difficult terrain or in very hot weather.

o Split teams that are in close proximity but on different vehicles will not attempt to join.

o Teams that rejoin will retain the target orders of one of the teams instead of erasing them all.

o Buddy-aid will not pick up heavy weapons from a different Team.


o Passengers manning a vehicle weapon may use it even if the crew has bailed out.

o Top gunner in a Humvee can use a personal weapon if his vehicle-mounted weapon is out of action.

o Vehicles do a better job using alternate crew to replace MG gunners who become casualties.

o Tanks won't waste APFSDS ammo on lightly-armored targets when alternative ammo is available.

o Refinements to vehicle damage from mines.

o Added radio to UAZ vehicle.

o Bradley IFVs and CFVs carry some 40mm grenades for their passengers.

o Vehicles move more smoothly in PBEM and hotseat replay.


o Times to set up SPG-9 and most ATGMs are reduced.

o Powerful projectiles like sabot can penetrate trees and be slightly deflected rather than stopped.

o Heavy weapons set up near the edges of buildings won't drop to the ground after an explosion.

o Corrected a small problem where automatic weapons had a pause between the first and second rounds that was slightly longer than it should have been.

o MGs on bipods are a bit more stable than before.

o Corrected a rare instance where ATGMs could fly too low and hit the ground when they should not.


o Roads are smoother when traversing rough ground or steep slopes.

o Large rocks (flavor objects) are more of a deterrent to navigate over.

o Flavor objects tilt to fit slopes when necessary.

o Trees are less resistant to damage from heavy artillery.


o Updated behavior for artillery/air support time-to-target. Conventional Red formation leaders are now allowed to call in artillery from batteries at battalion level or below (e.g. light mortars).

o Corrected some issues affecting artillery arrival time after target adjustment.

o Corrected the display of artillery mission type in PBEM games.

o Artillery battery and aircraft pilot voices use the correct nationality when they differ from that of the spotter.

User Interface

o Troops may be given simultaneous Hide and Face commands, but changing facing often requires a soldier to change position slightly, during which time he will not be "hiding".

o When acquiring missiles from a vehicle, it is now possible to take the last missile without its reloadable launcher (e.g. Javelin).

o "Scenario Author Test" may be selected as a Skill Mode (1-player only). It will cause all enemy units to be fully displayed to the player, but not additionally "known" to player's troops.


o AI Plan #0 can be deactivated in the editor provided at least one other plan is active.

o In the map editor, some buttons were shifted from "Flavor Objects #1" to "Flavor Objects #2".

o Corrected some small issues with elevation controls in the editor.


o Large saved games that take longer to load do not advance the game clock in the process of loading.

o Corrected a slow framerate problem on the first PBEM turn.

o Small bullets kick up a tiny bit of dirt and dust when they hit ground.

o Computer-player air strikes aim at smaller areas, reducing friendly fire.

o Corrected a problem where some ATGM teams would appear to leave their ATGM launcher temporarily behind when embarking on a vehicle.

o Corrected a problem that caused the turn-based computer player sometimes not to dismount troops fully when instructed by the scenario AI plan.

o Corrected a PBEM synchronization problem caused by saving and reloading the game.

Marines Module Only

o US Marines sometimes have M203 grenade launchers instead of M32, especially at lower Equipment Quality settings.

o Added US Marine Mk11 sniper rifle (equivalent to Army M110).

o The US Marine sergeant in the scout team wears infantry gear, not vehicle crew gear.

British Module Only

o Jackal GMG (aka grenade launcher) can now be found in the Fire Support Section of the British Infantry Rifle Company, when the equipment rating is good (otherwise they get a WMIK).

o Loader on Challenger 2 Enhanced will not reload the top-deck MG unless ordered to unbutton.

o Warrior has slower (hand-cranked) gun elevation.

o Gunner in LMTV will use his personal night-vision gear when appropriate.

o LMTV carries more passenger weapons and ammunition.

o British Engineer Troop has 3 TUM ST vehicles, not 6.

o Corrected a problem with a US IBCT soldier carrying a British rifle.

  • data aktualizacji: 12 listopada 2009
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 133,1 MB

Pliki do gry Combat Mission: Shock Force






7 dni

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