Call of Duty: United Offensive - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.5 - Download
Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Call of Duty: United Offensive z gatunku Gry Akcji, wersja v.1.5, data publikacji 17 grudnia 2004.
typ plikuAktualizacja do gry
rozmiar pliku115,9 MB
pobrań (7 dni)4
data aktualizacji17 grudnia 2004
Niedziałające pliki prosimy zgłaszać na uwagi(at)
wersja: v.1.5
Nowa poprawka systemowa do dodatku United Offensive do znakomitej wojennej gry akcji Call of Duty. Poniżej znajduje się szczegółowy opis patcha (w j. angielskim).
Uwaga: Zapisy stanu gry w nowej wersji nie są kompatybilne z zapisami stanu gry z wersji poprzednich.
- Adjusted AI behavior in Kharkov2
- Improved objective updates in Kharkov2
- Adjusted the difficulty of crossing the beginning field in Foy
- Improved voice over triggers in Sicily1
- Updated player objectives when facing German PT boats on Sicily2
- Improved AI interaction in Kharkov1
- Added "allow_jeeps" and "allow_tanks" to sv_mapRotation functionality. For example, "sv_mapRotation allow_jeeps 0 allow_tanks 1 map mp_foy allow_jeeps 1 allow_tanks 0 map mp_kursk" would set up the server so that only tanks are present in mp_foy, and only jeeps are present in mp_kursk.
- Added scr_vehicle_limit_jeep scr_vehicle_limit_medium_tank scr_vehicle_limit_heavy_tank to allow servers to limit vehicle quantity
- Decreased CPU utilization on maps that contain vehicles
- Reoriented "flag taken" message in "Capture the Flag" so that it is not covering the reticle
- Added ability to execute map and gametype specific config files. When a map is loaded on the server, a config by the name of _.cfg will be executed automatically, if it exists. If it doesn't exist, then it will be ignored. Eg. mp_foy_dom.cfg will be automatically run when mp_foy is started in Domination mode.
- Can specify a config file to execute within the sv_mapRotation command. For example, "sv_mapRotation exec mycfg1.cfg map mp_foy exec mycfg2.cfg map_kursk". (Note: doing this will override the _.cfg and prevent that config from being executed.)
- Added cvar setting for jeep/tank availability. These cvars are: scr_allow_jeeps and scr_allow_tanks . For example, "set scr_allow_jeeps 0; set scr_allow_tanks 0" will cause all vehicles to be disabled. The values given to these cvar's are also available as a server browser filter setting. Clients can then search for games without vehicles present using filter settings that are now available on the Join Server screen. These settings are also available in the menu when setting up a server.
- Adjusted default /RATE to 25000 (Cable/DSL). Modem and ISDN users will need to reset their Data Rate settings on the Multiplayer Options menu.
- Added g_vehicleBurnTime cvar for vehicles, to modify the time spent burning before they explode. Time is expressed in seconds and the default value is 10.
- Added scr_vehicle_spawn_limit cvar, to limit the number of times a vehicle can respawn, before it disappears completely.
- Adjusted blast radius on vehicles.
- Restricted turret rotation rate on tanks, so it is independent of body rotation.
- Vehicle collisions with players now obey friendly fire rules.
- Deployed LMG now respects all collision boundaries.
- Cannot plant/disarm bomb in "Search & Destroy" while deployed with LMG.
- Filtered player & server count now shown during server refresh in browser screen.
- Server map rotation continues without clients being connected on Domination, Capture the Flag, and Base Assault.
- Increased MAX_CVARS to 2048, from 1024.
- Default com_hunkmegs is raised by default to a higher setting above 128MB if the user has more RAM.
- Player bound "vsays" now work in all gametypes. To use this feature, bind any key to "vsay X Y", where X and Y are the corresponding numbers on the Voicechat menu. For example: \bind z "vsay 2 7" would bind the Z to "Smoke out."
- Improved collision on mp_arnhem
- Improved window bullet collision allowing players to shoot through all windows on mp_arnhem
- Improved radio destruction radius in HQ mode on mp_arnhem
- Improved collision on mp_foy
- Improved collision and textures on mp_rhinevalley.
- Added multiple exits from spawn buildings on mp_rhinevalley.
- Improved spawn points on mp_sicily.
- Added ability to disable announcer voices. This option can be found under Multiplayer Options and uses the cg_AnnouncerSounds cvar to toggle the option.
- The flamethrower weapon has become more powerful. It is now quite dangerous. NOTE: Flames can now damage the user of the flamethrower.
- Corrected a display issue when server admins adjusted the scr_bas_basehealth cvar.
- Adjusted compass ranges when switching between maps.
- Optimized portals on mp_cassino, mp_uo_stanjel, mp_italy, mp_kharkov, mp_ponyri, and mp_sicily.
- Placed additional LMG mount points in mp_uo_stanjel.
- Corrected an exploit where players were able to walk around underneath most maps.
- Players who have recently jumped into a tank must wait briefly before exiting the tank again.
- The Team Balance feature will now wait until a player is dead before switching him to the other side during "Capture the Flag" games. This prevents players in possession of the flag from being accidentally swapped to the other team.
- Integrates features from the Call of Duty(tm) 1.5 Patch. (See below for 1.5 details)
- Improved Vehicle Physics
Call of Duty(tm) 1.5 Patch
Players in HQ, RE, SD, TDM, and BEL games can now call timeouts. To call a timeout, use \matchtimeout in the console. To end a timeout in progress, use \matchtimein. These commands are bindable. (Note to mod-makers: in order to allow your players to call timeouts, the players have to belong to a team. ex: Allies/Axis.)
All time measurements are in milliseconds.
Related server cvars:
1. g_timeoutsAllowed - The number of timeouts allowed per side.
2. g_timeoutLength - The length of each timeout.
3. g_timeoutRecovery - The length of the preparation period which occurs after a time-in is called, or after a timeout expires. This recovery period is used to alert all players that play is about to begin.
4. g_timeoutBank - The total amount of time a team can spend in timeout.
Related client cvars:
1. ui_timeoutsAllowed - Contains the value of the server's g_timeoutsAllowed cvar.
2. ui_timeoutLength - Contains the value of the server's g_timeoutLength cvar.
3. ui_timeoutRecovery - Contains the value of the server's g_timeoutRecovery cvar.
4. ui_timeoutBank - Contains the value of the server's g_timeoutBank cvar.
Client console lock- Servers can now opt to disable a client's access to the console by setting sv_disableClientConsole to 1. Mod creators should reference the "Decimal Type Field" information under Scripting and Mods support.
Added g_deadChat - This server setting gives admins the ability to allow dead players to chat with live players. Set this cvar to 1 to enable dead chatting.
Added extra vote options - Players can now vote to change the killcam, draw friendly icons, and friendly fire settings. (These do not use new cvars, rather they give players the chance to change existing ones: scr_killcam, scr_drawfriend, and scr_friendlyfire.)
Voting cvars for all vote options - Allows server admins to decide which voting options their clients have access to. Set the cvar to 1 if you want to permit players' votes on that option. New Cvars: g_allowVoteKick, g_allowVoteMap, g_allowVoteMapRestart, g_allowVoteMapRotate, g_allowVoteTempBanUser, g_allowVoteTypeMap, g_allowVoteDrawFriend, g_allowVoteFriendlyFire, and g_allowVoteKillCam.
TDM scoring- Added an option to have killing teammates or committing suicide during a TDM game reduce the team's score as well as the individual's. This option is controlled by a cvar (scr_teamkill_penalty) and defaults to 0, which is the original scoring method.
Private clients - The server browser now accurately displays the total number of clients on a server-regardless of whether some of them are private clients. The number of open private client slots is never displayed. Instead, when a private client slot is filled, the perceived max clients value will increase.
Improved portal seams throughout the game.
Corrected an exploit that caused some servers to shut down unexpectedly.
Corrected an issue where screenshots sometimes appeared black on ATI(r) Radeon(tm) 9800 cards
The games_mp.log file now records and formats all information properly in games longer than 999 minutes.
The command "updatescreen" no longer turns off the ambient sound
scr_friendlyfire, scr_killcam, and scr_drawfriend are now read only cvars and need to be setup in a config file prior to running a server. These cvars can be changed in-game by using the voting system provided voting is enabled.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Several features of the 1.5 Call of Duty(tm) patch are intended for makers of end-user mods or to allow compatibility with certain mod features. Most of the items listed below will only function properly with scripting support from a mod.
Added Squad chat - Players can now be assigned to squads from script. In script, set the "self.sessionsquad" variable to one of the squad values: "free", "squad_alpha" or "squad_bravo". The default setting is "free". There is a new console command, which allows players to send a message to only their squad mates. In the console, type "say_squad ". If the player is in a squad, his message will be sent to each of his squad mates. If he is not in a squad, the message will be sent to each of his teammates. Finally, if he is not on a team, it will be sent to everyone. To bind this functionality to a key, use "\bind [key] "messagesquad"".
Increased max cvar limit for MP: MAX_CVARS = 2048
Added Script command for player speed (The "maxspeed" script command sets a player's speed before stance modifiers. If this feature is not used, the game functions as normal.
Ex: self maxspeed(250)
Decimal Type Fields added - Menus can now be tweaked (to compensate for the loss of console access when using sv_disableclientconsole). Print float values by using ITEM_TYPE_DECIMALFIELD in the menu files. Pair up the decimal field with the cvar/itemdef you wish to set and make sure that, within the decimal field's itemdef, there is a cvarfloat defining the field's permitted numerical range.
Added Autodemo - The autodemo capability consists of two script commands: autodemostart and autodemostop. These commands should be placed in the .gsc and the syntax of the command is this: player autodemostart();. To enable the autodemo capability on the server, set g_autodemo to 1. To force a client to accept the autodemo command, set cg_autodemo to 1. Autodemos must be enabled on the server in order for the client's setting to matter-if g_autodemo is set to 0, clients will not receive the command.
Added Autoscreenshot - The autoscreenshot capability relies on a script command: autoscreenshot. This command should be placed in the .gsc and the syntax of the command is this: player autoscreenshot();. To enable the autoscreenshot capability on the server, set g_autoscreenshot to 1. To force a client to accept the autoscreenshot command, set cg_autoscreenshot to 1. Autoscreenshots must be enabled on the server in order for the client's setting to matter-if g_autoscreenshot is set to 0, clients will not receive the command.
Added a new demo fast forward command - "jumptodemoend".
Added 'getstance()' - A script command which returns which stance a player is in: stance = self getstance(); Returned values will be "stand", "crouch", or "prone."
- data aktualizacji: 17 grudnia 2004
- kategoria gry: Akcji
- rozmiar pliku: 115,9 MB