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BioShock - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.1 UK/GER - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry BioShock z gatunku Gry Akcji, wersja v.1.1 UK/GER, data publikacji 4 grudnia 2007.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku27 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji4 grudnia 2007

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BioShock patch v.1.1 UK/GER - Darmowe Pobieranie |

wersja: v.1.1 UK/GER

Poprawka systemowa przeznaczona wyłącznie do brytyjskiej i niemieckiej edycji gry. Poniżej jej oryginalny opis:

v1.1 PC Patch Updates. Fixes, and Features :

- Added the following plasmids and gene tonics: Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom 2, Eve Saver, Machine Buster, Machine - Buster 2, Vending Expert, Vending Expert 2

- Added an Option to disable the Vita-Chambers for added difficulty

- Added support for a walk toggle keybind

- Added Horizontal FOV Lock option

- Fixed mouse acceleration issues

- Fixed reserved keys not functioning properly when keys are unbound

- Fixed multiple cases of keys not allowing a rebind

- Re-added the Human Inferno tonic

- Changed behavior of subtitles so that inappropriate queuing does not occur

- Changed functionality of keybinding lookup to only search in the current input context when finding bindings for in-game display

- Added rendering support for TripleHead2Go

- Atlas VO volume increased for German releases

- Fixed issue of subtitles not clearing correctly occasionally

- Fixed issue causing long hitches or hangs when accessing certain interface screens, machines, and the hacking minigame

- Fix for a potential situation in Recreation where taking a picture of Cobb is impossible if his body gets stuck behind a fallen pillar

- Fixed subtitle timings to more accurately match the on screen audio

- Fixed issue causing stuttering audio when using Windows Vista

- Fixed issue with characters squirming and wiggling after death

- Fixed blood decals and other projectors not showing up on ATI hardware

- The "Enable EAX" option is now greyed out when EAX-capable hardware is not present

- Fixed audio issues stemming from having a Speaker Setting in Windows that was invalid for the current sound card

- Removed erroneous "Reload" binding in a no-weapons context

- Fixed incorrect Training Message concerning bots who are friendly to enemy AIs

- Fixed incorrect Training Message when shooting a Mimic

- Fixed refresh rate being locked at 60hz in DX10 mode

- Fixed VSync disabling in DX10 mode

Xbox 360 Title Update Fixes, and Features :

- Added widescreen option: Horizontal FOV

- Fix for rare case where a partial cache is not cleared

- Increased Atlas’ volume in German

- Fix for GUI sounds not playing during heavy action

- Fix for not being able to take picture of Cobb in Rec

- Possible fix for pauses or hangs when opening flash bink movies

- Fix for switching difficulty breaking achievement

- Fix for small texture streaming bug

- Fix for rare hang when a lot of things are going on at once

Xbox 360 Downloadable Content:

- Added Disable Vita Chamber option

- Plasmid Pack is included in this DLC (Machine Buster 1 & 2, Vending Expert 1 & 2, Sonic Boom 1 & 2, EVE Saver)

- 100 point achievement for beating game without Vita Chamber called "Brass Balls"

How to do it:

Must beat game on Hard

Must not use a Vita Chamber (you can always roll back to an earlier save)

The Vita Chamber Disabled option can be on or off as long as you don’t resurrect

  • data aktualizacji: 4 grudnia 2007
  • kategoria gry: Akcji
  • rozmiar pliku: 27 MB
zobacz więcej

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