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Battlezone II: Combat Commander - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v. EN - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Battlezone II: Combat Commander z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v. EN, data publikacji 15 lutego 2013.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku92,8 MB


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data aktualizacji15 lutego 2013

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Wersja: v. EN

Patch całkowity do gry Battlezone II: Combat Commander Zadaniem łatki jest poprawienie większości błędów wykrytych od momentu wypuszczenia poprzedniej aktualizacji.

Poniżej angielskojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:

The major changes for are:

-Upgraded to latest GameSpy SDK. BZ2 now uses the GameSpy QR2 communication protocol, the GameSpy transport SDK, GameSpy NatNeg technology for easier hosting w/o having to open ports in many routers, GameSpy Voice communication for ingame voice communication.

-Tweaked network code for better performance with lots of players in game.

-Tweaked network code for reduced lag/warp ingame.

-Various other fixes and optimizations.

For now, this patch will be pretty much English-only. If you have a foreign (French or German) version of BZ2, this patch will replace a lot (but not all) of the files used to display text ingame with English. Voiceovers and other sound effects will remain in the installed language. A translated version of these text items may happen at a later time.

A special note: one of the bugs fixed is the infinite flying bug present in BZ2 1.0 - 1.2. This was removed because it is considered to be a bug by those of us who worked on BZ2 from the beginning. It is not due to complaints from "newbies" or the like. Certain people certainly feel strongly about this. Fine. Please realize that feelings are not an argument. Whining about this will not change anything-- we've heard such complaints for years, and your comments will only serve to harden our resolve in this.

Compatibility w/ previous BZ2 versions

Some notes on compatibility w/ previous versions:

-Like all other BZ2 patches, the 1.3 patch is not network compatible with any other version-- all players in the game must be running the exact same version (i.e. public beta)

Maps & DLLs for BZ2 1.2 should load fine. However, any map/dll that depends on certain behavior in the AI, etc for scripting may need tweaking.

-Progress in Singleplayer missions, preferences should be read fine; where more options than 1.2 exist (especially the sound setup), users may need to adjust those new options if they don't like the defaults. 1.3 uses a new file format for pilots/prefs, and upgrades 1.2's files on reading them. Those new preferences files can not be read by 1.2.

-Mid-mission savegames from BZ2 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3pb1-pb4 can not be read, as the file formats changed too much. But, as noted above, progress in SP missions is left untouched.

-Missions created with the editor in 1.3 will not be readable in previous versions, same with savegames, etc.

-Many MODs for BZ2 will be uninstalled as part of the install of 1.3. Some broken MODs that installed themselves into the Data folder (which should *never* have happened, but some people refused to do things right and install to addon) may have to be manually deleted.

-MODs that replaced out large chunks of the BZ2 shell (aka Forgotten Enemies) may need extensive tweaks before they can work with 1.3. There are various works in progress to make such MODs work, and they may be complete by the time you read this.

  • data aktualizacji: 15 lutego 2013
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 92,8 MB

Pliki do gry Battlezone II: Combat Commander






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