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Crusader Kings II: Mroczne Wieki - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.101 - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Crusader Kings II: Mroczne Wieki z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.101, data publikacji 14 czerwca 2013.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku180,3 MB


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data aktualizacji14 czerwca 2013

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Crusader Kings II: Mroczne Wieki patch v.1.101 - Darmowe Pobieranie |

wersja: v. 1.101

Patch o numerze 1.101 do gry Crusader Kings II. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:


- Added a "Retract Vassal" interaction

- Disallowed destruction of non-titular titles under Gavelkind


- Added lots of portrait fixes from the "CK2 Portrait Fixes" mod by zebez

- Adjusted the random CoA colors and color choices

- Scripted a lot of CoAs for various dynasties

- The CoAs of titles named after a dynasty now match the dynasty CoA

- Bishops no longer wear pope hats, but the pope does

- Livonia now has the correct pagan flag

- Buildings requiring a coastal province now show up in the tech tooltip even if the capital is not coastal

- Fixed some tooltips in the settlement view not showing building levels with the name

- Nicknames are now shown for heads of religion

- The 'Grant Independence' action is no longer even shown if the recipient is not your vassal

- The 'Prepare Invasion' action is now shown but grayed out if you are at war with the recipient

- Added missing Bektashi religion description

- Endgame screen now shows correct score for characters

- Added missing name of the Reformed Aztec Church title

- Tweaked the religion colors to make them more distinct

- Corrected some event text typos


- Norse Pagans can no longer employ the coastal conquest CB against other pagans (neighboring counties can still be taken though)

- The Subjugation CB can now only be used once per lifetime instead of every 10 years. (Unless you have the 'Become King' ambition.)

- Characters with the "Become King" ambition and access to the subjugation CB can no longer move their capital out of the de jure kingdom

- Subjugated rulers of another religion now get a smaller opinion bonus vs the winner, lasting for a shorter time

- Fixed a bug with many vassalizing casus bellis where the target's own counties would be seized when they should not be

- Tengri Pagans are now limited to Agnatic succession

- The Jomsvikings now reform if the Norse reformation takes place

- Fixed an issue where the primary heir under Gavelkind would not inherit the capital county

- West African pagans can now also raid

- Lowered the spawn rate of TOG rebels by 20%

- Added the "Ghanan Band" mercenary company

- Slavic, Baltic and Finnish Pagans now get a bonus to their levy sizes, at the cost of their garrison bonus

- Fixed a problem with the decadence invasion event

- Fixed a bug with decadence revolts ending strangely on the attacking ruler's death

- Court Chaplain job events no longer restricted to men for pagans

- Made the Chancellor job to improve relations more effective

- Mercenary ships will no longer spawn in major rivers

- The Viking trait can now only be gained by adults

- Heirs returning from the Varangian Guard to take the throne of their dead father can no longer get the same event twice

- Piast the Wheelwright and his son are now of the Piast dynasty

- Pagan festivals can now only be held in summer as intended

- City Shipyards now produce slightly more galleys than their Castle and Temple counterparts

- Fixed a bug where banishing landed vassals would not take all their titles

- Under Gavelkind, your oldest son will no longer ask for titles

- Added additional names and dynasties for Roman characters created in the Ruler Designer

- Added an earlier king of Ireland to make Irish liberation revolts possible

- 867: Strengthened the coastal Baltic, Slavic and Finnish tribes with better Holdings

- 867: Slightly strengthened the initial forces of Ivar and Halfdan

- 867: The Karling kingdoms are now on Agnatic succession

- 867: Moved Uglich from the Meryas to the Vyatichi

- 867: Byzantium is now properly on Primogeniture, not Gavelkind

- 867: The Duchy of Meath now exists, called "Tara" by the Irish

- 867: Made some important vassals to the King of Italy Italian culture to prolong the survival of the culture and ensure more internal troubles

- 867: Adjusted the initial political and dynastic setup among the Baltic tribes to make them more resilient

- The vassal opinion for free investiture law now correctly only applies for Catholics

- Build cost and time is now affected by your capital tech, not the average tech in your realm

- Ignoring pagan defensive attrition is now controlled by your capital tech, not by the average tech in your realm

- Own fort level no longer affects ability to navigate major rivers

- Tweaked the AI bonuses on Hard and Very Hard difficulty settings

- Successful non-claimant adventurers are now known as "the Conqueror"

- Fixed a bug with weird dynasty names for the commanders of Liberation rebels

- Castrating or blinding a prisoner now removes the righteous imprisonment cause when they are released

- The ambition to gain a council position now only increases a skill the first time it is successful

- The generic Pagan religion now has a description and holy sites

- Added the Hellenic religion

- The events when certain cities are sacked now properly trigger for the Mongol Empire

- The event when you raise a runestone as a zealous Reformed Norse character no longer treats you as a Christian

- Captured Rebel leaders now have a "Broken Spirit" modifier, making them pretty useless

- Fixed a bug where Gavelkind could produce republics

- Fixed a general bug with multiple kingdom inheritance that could produce republics

- The decision to create the Kingdom of Leon now makes it a de jure part of the Empire of Hispania

- Trade posts are no longer counted towards the Prepared Invasion realm size limits

- Fixed a bug with being able to semi-grant invalid duchies and kingdoms to your heir under Gavelkind

- Heathen priests can now inherit titles

- Mayors and heathen priests will now marry if they are heirs to other titles

- Lack of Piety rumor event now only triggers for Christian lieges as intended

- Trade post garrisons now give less retinue cap increase

- Moved the counties of Loon and Julich from de jure Cologne to Luxemburg

- Technology points are now gained by own demesne when containing buildings that give technology points

- Baltic cultures can now also form the Wendish Empire

- Finnic cultures can now also form the Russian Empire

- Finnic cultures can now also form the Scandinavian Empire

- North Germanic cultures can now also form the Empire of Britannia

- 867: Greater Poland is no longer a republic after a resign

- Norse Patricians are now correctly on Seniority succession


- Will not convert to Norman culture if in a huge Norse empire

- Higher prio on building temple towns

- Adjusted propensity to backstab brothers of the faith who are primary parties in holy wars

- Behaviour is now affected subtly by the difficulty settings

- Tweaked max field army sizes a bit

- Will not agree to concubinage for title claimants



- Added a 'can_appear' field to dynasties to prevent for example the Seljuks from appearing before their event

  • data aktualizacji: 14 czerwca 2013
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 180,3 MB
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