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Crusader Kings II: Mroczne Wieki - aktualizacja do gry wersja - v.1.07b - Download

Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry Crusader Kings II: Mroczne Wieki z gatunku Gry Strategiczne, wersja v.1.07b, data publikacji 30 października 2012.

typ plikuAktualizacja do gry

rozmiar pliku142,1 MB


pobrań (7 dni)0

data aktualizacji30 października 2012

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Crusader Kings II: Mroczne Wieki patch v.1.07b - Darmowe Pobieranie |

Wersja: v.1.07b EU

Patch do gry Crusader Kings II. Poniżej anglojęzyczny opis aktualizacji:


- Fixed an issue with broken portraits and other graphics on certain older graphics cards

- Fixed a bug with Claimant Faction wars becoming invalid in Elective Realms

- Fixed a bug where various Dynasty variables would not be correctly reset on resign, which could even cause crashes

- Fixed the initial tech levels in the Nestorian and Miaphysite provinces

- Fixed a crash bug in the religion view that could happen when your ruler's religion changed

- Fixed a bug with Gavelkind succession in Empires where the holder also had many kingdoms

- Fixed an issue where you could become independent by joining an independence faction war in another realm

- Kurds now have access to the Persian cultural building

- William the Conquerer no longer set as mother of three Breton characters

- Fixed the history for c_aprutium

- Fixed deathdate of character 161537

- Fixes/additions to the Strathearn dynasty

- Fixes to the counts of Malta

- Fixed broken de Mello dynasty

- Various additions/fixes to several English dynasties

- Various additions/fixes to several German dynasties

- Renamed duplicate Onega province

- Added rulers to various Eastern pagan provinces

- Spymaster can now use Scheme in provinces belonging to your liege's other vassals

- Fixed hunting event to correctly apply to barons

- Fixed an ugly "invalidated war" message showing messy trigger conditions

- No longer possible to start or join Factions while in revolt against your current liege

- Fixed an issue where a vassal revolt war could sometimes invalidate on mostly unrelated other revolts in the same realm

- Fixed a glitch with the tooltip on the "Start a Faction" button

- No longer allowed to start claimant factions for female claimants against Agnatic law titles

- Fixed an issue with Protected Inheritance

- Reduced size of all event pictures by 25% at no loss of quality

- Muslim Jihads no longer possible before 1187

- The title is now displayed correctly for Russian Grand Princesses

- Some changes to the religious setup in the Levant


  • data aktualizacji: 30 października 2012
  • kategoria gry: Strategiczne
  • rozmiar pliku: 142,1 MB
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