Darmowy konkurent Battlefielda przytłoczy graczy w 2025 roku. Masa nowości, na czele z kampanią Helikopter w ogniu, zmierza do strzelanki Delta Force, wciąż tylko na PC
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Przytlacza kernelowym anticheatem ktory moze nie lapie cheaterow ale za to wprowadza podatnosc do systemu CVE-2024-22830
The vulnerability described in this report allows an attacker with a non-administrator account to escalate their privileges to system and to terminate security products. This vulnerability was made possible by a commercial product meant to run with system privileges that was not designed with security in mind; its security model is entirely based on obfuscation through a number of hardcoded secrets and the use of four different encryption algorithms. Yet again, security through obscurity has proven to not be a viable strategy. Our team analysed the software and exposed the design flaws by building a proof-of-concept exploit that demonstrates how it can be abused. Although the vendor decided to ignore our report, we shared our findings with the security community to protect users and businesses from potential attacks. It is important to keep security products up to date and to follow best practices to prevent BYOVD attacks, this includes monitoring the software that is installed on the system and logging new drivers the first time they are loaded.
Ciekawa rzecz, ale podawaj linki, żeby nie trzeba było szukać.
Otóż nie jest to taki poważny problem, jak to przedstawiasz, gdyż "Exploitation of CVE-2024-22830 can allow a local attacker to escalate privileges." https://www.defencetech.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Report-CVE-2024-22830.pdf
Tym niemniej ta podatność dobrze obrazuje, dlaczego wiele osób słusznie ma opory przed instalowaniem oprogramowania działającego na poziomie jądra.