Polskie RPG Dark Envoy dostępne dla chętnych przed premierą, sprawdź systemy gry
A to ta gierka, co najpierw miała być turowa, ale że twórcy to łamagi, to zmienili na rtwp. O ile nie mam nic do aktywnej pausy, tak tłumaczenie twórców, to kpina dla gier turowych.
Krótki cytat jednego z dev
We are not happy with TB so far, feels too slugish and repetitive -- so we're experimenting now with Real Time with Bullet Time.
No iksde. To nie TB samo w sobie jest powolne i powtarzalne. Tylko gierka została źle zrobiona i tyle.
To źle pamiętasz ;)
"The game isn't turnbased anymore but real time skippable, based on June interview :
Dark Envoy was originally set to feature turn-based combat but switched over to real-time combat (with slow or pause). Why did Event Horizon decide to switch combat styles?
Krzysztof Monkiewicz: We like to experiment a lot. The project kept getting bigger and bigger as we were adding new and interesting mechanics. At some point, we realized that turn-based not only became repetitive, but our best ideas didn’t exactly work with it. We developed a real-time prototype, and all of a sudden it clicked with us. Gameplay became much more dynamic and exciting, creating more depth"
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