Welcome visitor
Are you tired of constantly changing servers, administration incompetence, dead game elements? Are you looking for a good L2 server or maybe just enjoyable place focused on fast game and pvp?
This is the right place!
About us
The development of the server is supervised by L2Live crew, consists of 2 professional developers, that every day deal with designing and developing IT solutions for bussiness and production.
After almost year of hard work, after millions of code lines written and hundreds of test we are finally ready: L2live was made again especially for you, and is set to provide you unique and exciting gameplay.
What makes us different?
Unlike other servers we focus on professionalism. This server is created to provide fun for players - not for GM crew.
Our priority is to ensure fair gameplay in which money has no right to interfere.
We are not here to earn money. Everyone of us has a source of income. L2Live is not made for profits.
Voluntary donation paid by the players is used only for maintaining the server machine and the costs associated with running the server. In case we gather enough money to maintain the server for particular amount of time, we reserve total blockade of donation until further notice.
Completely new quality of the gameplay
Skills engine precisely reflecting mechanisms known from official servers provide you unforgetable pvp experience.
Powerful and efficient server machine, especially prepared and configured to work with real-time system which Lineage 2 is (unlike personal computers where they are increasingly being run l2 servers), guarantees smooth and stable game even for thousands of players.
Professional support from l2live crew and developers guarantees fast reaction for eventual problems
L2Live Grand Opening 2015/03/14 18:00 GMT +0
RateXp = 75
RateXpVip = 150
RateSp = 75
RateSpVip = 150
RatePartyXp = 100
RatePartySp = 100
RateDropAdena = 50
RateAdenaVip = 100
RateConsumableCost = 15
RateDropItems = 50
RateDropVip =70
RateRaidDropItems = 20
RateDropRaidboss = 15
RateDropSpoil = 55
RateDropSpoilVip = 75
RateDropManor = 5
RateQuestDrop = 10.
RateQuestReward = 1.
RateQuestRewardXP = 10.
RateQuestRewardSP = 10.
RateQuestRewardAdena = 10
MaxWeapon (simple/blessed) +25 ( with chance calclulate 100% 85% 75% ect.. )
MaxArmor (simple/Blessed) +25 ( with chance calclulate 100% 85% 75% ect.. )
MaxJewelery (simple/blessed) +25 ( with chance calclulate 100% 85% 75% ect.. )
Augmentation NG Skill Chance = 5 ( StaticReuse Off )
Augmentation Mid Skill Chance = 10 ( StaticReuse Off )
Augmentation High Skill Chance = 15 ( StaticReuse Off )
Augmentation Top Skill Chance= 25 ( StaticReuse Off )
Server Feature
Buff Time Retail
StartingAdena = 1000
PlayerSpawnProtection = 15
Gm Shop up to B Grade
Donate/Vote Shop (Donate not alowed in first season )
MaxPvtStoreSlotsDwarf = 5
MaxPvtStoreSlotsOther = 4
Life crystal needed to learn clan skills
Allow player subclass
MaxBuffsAmount = 24+4
Champions system
Karma Drop Rate (40%)
VIP System (1 day,7 Days, 30 Days )
Seven Signs && Festival Retail
Four Sepulchers
Dimension Rift
Event System
Color System (1 day,7 Days, 30 Days )
Offline Stores
Day's Gift System
Website Vote system
Four Sepulchers system
Offline Storesfull
full nobles quest
full clan quest
subclass free
Auction House System (For All Item like in H5)
Custom Items
Lucky Scroll
Nobless Item
Char Rec Item
Color Item
Server Community Board system
Announcment Changelog
Top pvp Top Pk Richest players Castle Hero
Server Info Feature Server Staff
Account info Repair Character
Online Game Master Statistic GateKeeper
Clan Community
Community Forum
Mail System
Friend System
Grand Boss Respawn Time
Ant Queen
AntQueenSpawnInterval = 36
AntQueenRandomSpawn = 17
AntharasSpawnInterval = 264
AntharasRandomSpawn = 72
AntharasWaitTime = 30
BaiumSpawnInterval = 168
BaiumRandomSpawn = 48
Interval time of Core. Value is hour.
CoreSpawnInterval = 60
CoreRandomSpawn = 23
FrintezzaSpawnInterval = 48
FrintezzaRandomSpawn = 8
FrintezzaWaitTime = 1
OrfenSpawnInterval = 48
OrfenRandomSpawn = 20
Interval time of Sailren. Value is hour.
SailrenSpawnInterval = 36
Random interval. Value is hour.
SailrenRandomSpawn = 24
SailrenWaitTime = 5
ValakasSpawnInterval = 264
ValakasRandomSpawn = 72
ValakasWaitTime = 30
ZakenSpawnInterval = 60
ZakenRandomSpawn = 20
2 Weeks Period
Thanks & Regards
L2 Live Admin
Website [link]
Twitter [link]
Forum [link]