Cześć, chciałbym usuną pliki z Steam Cloud, bo gdy specjalnie usunąłem sobie save z gry to ten Steam Cloud automatycznie je pobrał. Więc czy jest możliwośc usunięcia plików z tej Chmury ?
Można wyłączyć steam cloud w danej grze:
Prawym na grę w bibliotece -> właściwości -> aktualizacje
Wiem, ale jak chciałbym całkowicie usunąć wszystko ze Stema Cloud żeby mieć czysto .
wystarczy wejsc w sklepie na gre i z adresu odczytac appID
czyli appID to 49520
Od razu ci mówię że nabicie acziwów na innym sejwie ci nie zadziała. To nie Bordek 1 :)
Mam problem z tym :
1) Exit Steam and make sure that Steam Cloud is enabled.
2) Alter the content of all files in Steam\userdata\SteamID\AppID\remote. The objective is that every file becomes different from the ones stored in the Cloud. You can't simply delete the files otherwise Steam will download them from the Cloud. You can corrupt them by deleting all their content. 0 bytes files will indeed do the trick. To do this (thanks Kevin92 for the tip):
- Hold Shift and right-click on your remote folder.
- Click on "Open command window here".
- Enter powershell.
- Enter clc C:\Steam\userdata\SteamID\AppID\remote\* (clc + absolute path of your remote folder + * to affect all the files).
- Done: all your files are now 0 bytes!
Warning: be sure of the path your enter to not delete accidentally system or user files! There are not any confirmation when you press Enter!
3) Delete remotecache.vdf in Steam\userdata\SteamID\AppID.
4) Start Steam and "Sync conflict" should appear in your game status.
A simpler way but not as efficient:
1) Start Steam.
2) Disable Steam Cloud.
3) Delete all files in Steam\userdata\SteamID\AppID.
4) Start the game to create fresh (and thus different) new files.
5) Exit the game and Steam.
6) Delete remotecache.vdf in Steam\userdata\SteamID\AppID.
7) Start Steam.
8) Enable Steam Cloud and "Sync conflict" should appear in your game status.
Note that this method may not affect all the files (and you need to modify all of them if you want to delete all of them later).
Siema mam podobny problem jak kolego tyle, że nie wiem jak to rozwiązać o tuż w tym problem , że Steam mam zainstalowanego na dysku D: i nie wiem jakie zmiany wprowadzić aby było poprawnie, proszę o pomoc.
Mam problem z tym :
1) Exit Steam and make sure that Steam Cloud is enabled.
2) Alter the content of all files in Steam\userdata\SteamID\AppID\remote. The objective is that every file becomes different from the ones stored in the Cloud. You can't simply delete the files otherwise Steam will download them from the Cloud. You can corrupt them by deleting all their content. 0 bytes files will indeed do the trick. To do this (thanks Kevin92 for the tip):
- Hold Shift and right-click on your remote folder.
- Click on "Open command window here".
- Enter powershell.
- Enter clc C:\Steam\userdata\SteamID\AppID\remote\* (clc + absolute path of your remote folder + * to affect all the files).
- Done: all your files are now 0 bytes!
Warning: be sure of the path your enter to not delete accidentally system or user files! There are not any confirmation when you press Enter!
3) Delete remotecache.vdf in Steam\userdata\SteamID\AppID.
4) Start Steam and "Sync conflict" should appear in your game status.
A simpler way but not as efficient:
1) Start Steam.
2) Disable Steam Cloud.
3) Delete all files in Steam\userdata\SteamID\AppID.
4) Start the game to create fresh (and thus different) new files.
5) Exit the game and Steam.
6) Delete remotecache.vdf in Steam\userdata\SteamID\AppID.
7) Start Steam.
8) Enable Steam Cloud and "Sync conflict" should appear in your game status.
Note that this method may not affect all the files (and you need to modify all of them if you want to delete all of them later).