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Wiadomość Operation Flashpoint 2 – potwierdzony...

20.03.2003 14:14

Wreszcie!!Mam tylko nadzieje ze nie potwierdzi sie teoria "sequel not equel".Mnie osobiscie OF baaaardzo podszedl do gustu.A skiny z jednostkami GROM`u to bylo po prostu TO!!Szkoda ze nie odbywaja sie pojedynki miedzy
zolnierzami PL a cywilami tak jak ma to miejsce obecnie w AA :(

20.03.2003 14:20

Nie jestem specjalnym fanem gier fpp, ale Flashpoint przykuł mnie do kompa na bardzo długo, także będę czekał na drugą część.

20.03.2003 14:57

Wspaniala wiadomosc :))

20.03.2003 17:10

sie klanowcy uciesza :))) mniam, mniam...

20.03.2003 20:23

Jeahhh!! zobaczylem bete demko i odrazu sie zakochalem nie moge sie doczekac op2 ciekawe o czym bedzie i jakie wyspy!! mniam jeny super!!!!

20.03.2003 20:26

chodzi mi o betke of 1 cold war :D

20.03.2003 23:32
killah beez

yeah! ;-) Super zajebiście że będzie OF2.... w jedynke gram non stop, zaczełem przed premierą i do teraz gram! z jedną przerwą 3 miesięczną. SUPER GRA!!!!!!

20.03.2003 23:40

Yeah! At last! Od pewnego czasu cały czas napier***** w OFP:R ii każdego wieczoru spotykamy się na jkimś polskim serwerze. Zapraszam także innych do przyłączenia się! Naprawdę warto! A jak jeszcze wyjdzie OFP 2 to już bedzie miodzio :D.

21.03.2003 01:15
inquisitor incognito

No coz, GOL ma male opoznienia w newsach bo o OFP2 mowi sie juz od poczatku tego roku, a pare dni temu pojawil sie wywiad z Markiem Spanelem - szefem BISu, ktory to mowi o nowej czesci OFP ;-)

W wywiadzie jest tez wzmianka o tym ze nie bedzie juz wiecej patchow do OFP. Zespol programistow siedzi obecnie nad OFP w wersji dla X-Box'a.. no a potem biora sie za OFP2 :) Byla tez wzmianka o Independence Lost.. od ponad roku o nim slychac, ale nadal zero konkretow. Zreszta sami poczytajcie :)

Q: Basically, after 1.5 year of existence of OFP how can you rate the success of this project? Did you meet your expectations? How many copies, at the moment, have been sold around the globe? What's the selling statistics of Resistance? Was GOTY Edition successful in the world?

Marek Spanel: There's around 1.2 million copies of Operation Flashpoint sold worldwide in total. It's incredible achievement for a PC game and it surpassed all dreams we had before the release. Resistance was also very good seller with around 200 thousand copies sold so far, which is very good result for an expansion pack. GOTY Edition was released only in some countries and it definitely helps to continue life of Operation Flashpoint in gaming stores.

Q: Should we expect any new patches for OFP? And if yes, what new features are you going to incorporate in them? And what will be the new version number?

Marek Spanel: We currently don't have any plans for new patches to OFP/Resistance. We only would like to officially approve version 1.91 Beta by Codemasters to can release it as final patch.

Q:Are you going to release any more editing tools for OFP? Is there going to be a new version of Oxygen? Will you release a proper user manual for. Oxygen? Will there be a plug-in for 3DMax and other modeling programs?

Marek Spanel: We still have some plans to release more tools for OFP as soon as our workload and available time will allow us. We don't have any plugins for 3rd party modeling programs available.

Q: What unofficial add-ons and MODs caught your eye and which of them you can honestly say are great? How often do you check all new unofficial add-ons? Do you take notes on any interesting technical solutions which they might have? For example, what do you and your team think of such unusual OFP MODs like Star Wars, GTA, and WW1 mod? Do you think that there is a possibility that such trend in development might have no future?

Marek Spanel: We're watching unofficial add-ons and MODs almost every day and there are too many great addons to name just some of them. It's very nice to see that people are very smart in using available features in addons, especially some of new advanced features introduced in patches, like event handlers and others. We like the unusual MODs for OFP and we believe it can be interesting to see various environments exploited in the engine.

Q: Many OFP fans think that some MODs deserve to be published on CD. Foremost, because of their huge size, secondly because of all those work-hours that have been put into creating the MOD, and third because their quality is very high. Can you comment on anything new regarding publishing OFP MODs? Have there been any changes in the policy since you last talked on this matter?

Marek Spanel: So far, nobody approached us with serious MOD project on CD at least at alpha stage. I think it all needs more time because no project reached finished stage enough. Our licensing agreement to Oxygen is clear in this matter and it doesn't mean there's no way to release a MOD on CD. However, we believe any MOD that is planed to be sold on CD may need to approach Bohemia Interactive and Codemasters first.

Q: Not a long time ago you've finished VBS1, how do you rate it and is there any chance that this product will become available for the general public? Did you use OFP engine or did you create a brand new one? How were the tests and what military personnel have said about this strategic simulator?

Marek Spanel: VBS1 uses OFP engine with some custom modifications and new features (e.g. artillery or observer mode in multiplayer). United States Marine Corps are already using VBS1 for training and they're extremely satisfied. More military and government organizations around the world already shown significant interest in using VBS1 for their training purposes. We can't confirm any plans concerning public release of VBS1..

Q: Our next question will be the most expected one and, as we think, the most interesting for all of us. I think that no one has any doubts that there will be OFP sequel. Can you share your plans with us: what do you do at this time, how much of the work is already completed, that name will the sequel carry? What new features await us in this game? What will be the plot about? When are you going to release it? We would love to ask you more questions, but we understand that you can't tell us everything, so please, if it's possible, comment at least the questions above

Marek Spanel: I can't confirm or deny this speculation but there's a big announcement coming very soon. Currently, we're working hard on Operation Flashpoint for Xbox console and it's going to use first and half generation of the engine rather than to be straightforward conversion. The Flashpoint Engine is being improved continuously and you can definitely expect something really new from for PC users using Flashpoint Engine second generation but definitely not this year.

Q: We have another hot question, which we can't not to ask. Many of us are already tired of guessing about Independence Lost. You said that this project has nothing to do with BIS, but there is your logo on IL official website. So, what is it going to be? A new add-on such as OFP: Resistance or a full game with the new engine?

Marek Spanel: Independence Lost is an effort of our studio in Australia. It's an interesting project but it's still too early to reveal any specific details or even to confirm it will be released. We will decide later on future of this project but we have no intention to release it this year. At the moment, we focus on the Xbox version and on the second generation game using our technology due out 2004.

Q: What perspective of your development do you see in the future? Which trends in the game industry are you going to choose and which technologies?

Marek Spanel: Operation Flashpoint was our first big published game. We learned many lessons and we want to use the experience it in our next games. During last months, our studio has grown and we moved to new offices. Our research and development continues and there are many areas of technology that we focus on and that we're excited about. I don't want to be too specific but I'll just list some of the main areas: vertex/pixel shaders and better surface materials, realtime lightning and shadowing, face capturing, hands capturing, improved animations, realistic representation of vegetation, performance optimizations, streaming of landscapes and data, better add-on management (with having on mind the existing assets to the original Operation Flashpoint so we shall try to let them operate in the new generation game as fine as possible), improved mission editing and scripting, improved AI, improved physical simulation and collisions, join in progress in multiplayer. But most of all, we always focus on great freedom, open ended environment, open architecture of the game and specific style with strong approach towards realism in the gaming environments.

Marek Spanel: I would like to thank every single Flashpoint fan for ongoing support. Without this support we wouldn't be able to bring Flashpoint to it's current status (and it was long way from the demo to Flashpoint version 1.91). I also would like to invite everyone interested in our development to visit or new website at

22.03.2003 10:14

Yahoo!!! Zaj.... że robia OF2 ta gra jest poprostu zaj... najlepsza gra taktyczne na świecie

23.03.2003 21:05

Nie mogę się doczekać!!!

24.03.2003 21:18

zastanawiam się co oni jeszcze wymyślą. Już res był majstersztykiem który wyduszał z kompa ostatnie poty a OFP 2 chyba bedzie chyba katem dla mego kompa.

24.03.2003 23:39
inquisitor incognito

Zanim go wydadza bedziesz mial nowego kompa ;-)

25.03.2003 17:32

Niestety w OpF mogłem zasmakować tylko singla. Wkurza mnie to bo nigdy przez mój ping nie moge pograć

25.03.2003 17:51

Mam nadzieje, ze w OF2 bedzie mozliwosc darowania sobie czesci taktycznej. Jak dla mnie to psula ona gre (byla zbyt kiepsko wykonana, by sie nia dobrze bawic).

25.03.2003 17:52

Operation F. to SPOKO gra .Nic dodac nic ująć.

25.03.2003 18:03

świetna wiadomość ... już nie mogę się doczekać :)

25.03.2003 23:49
inquisitor incognito

||Peter|| ---> to moze sobie daruj czekanie na OFP2... bo caly swiatek OFP spodziewa sie jeszcze bardziej rozwienietej taktyki w porownaniu z czescia pierwsza :))) I dzieki Bogu :)))

Tobie polecam Quake'a skoro OF jest dla ciebie zbyt trudne a taktyka, to na czym opiera sie miodnosc OFP, jest dla ciebie najwiekszym problemem ;-p ;-)

Wiadomość Operation Flashpoint 2 – potwierdzony...