Czy ktoś pomógłby mi to połaczyc odpowiednio ze soba? Pierwotnie te teksty sa zapisane w postaci puzzli, ktore trzeba polaczyc na zasadzie np. 1.1 z 3.2. Zeby to mialo sens.
1.1.An acoustic coupler converts
1.2. several terminals in one location, connecting each of them to a modem
1.3. It then works as a modem
2.1 A modem can convert
2.2. Two or or more networks, enabling data transfers to be made
2.3. In the computer the data frames are then sparated again
3.1. A cluster controller may control
3.2. a digital bit stream into an analog signal over an analog communication channel (telephone circuit)
3.3. It then converts incoming analog singals back into digital signals
4.1. A multiplexor receives
4.2. the electrical signal from the computer into a coded sound signal which is picked up by the telephone microphone
4.3. It may act as a translator between incompatible networks, protocols, or software.
5.1. A gateway interconnects
5.2. multiple signals from various terminals and combines them in data frames for transmission on a single high-speed line to the computer
5.3. This connection is made on a shared line basis.
Gdyby kogos interesowały rozwiązania:
1.1. - 4.2. - 1.3.
2.1. - 3.2. - 3.3.
3.1. - 1.2. - 5.3.
4.1. - 5.2. - 2.3.
5.1. - 2.2. - 4.3.