Krótko mówiąc - mam napisac opis osoby, na temat : Opisz osobę, o której możesz powiedzieć "Świat byłby lepszy, gdyby było na nim więcej osób podobnych do niej/niego". Jest to jedna z prac na maturze rozszerzonej. Do rzeczy, proszę o sprawdzenie pracy pod względem gramatycznym. Tak, wiem, że było milion osób łatwiejszych do opisania w tym temacie, ale nie proszę o ocenianie.
The person i would like to describe is Scottish former footballer and current manager of Liverpool Football Club – Kenny Dalglish. He was born and raised in Glasgow. This brave, dignified man is a person that I have always admired, and I think the world would be better place if there were more people like him.
King Kenny, that is his nickname, is medium height man in his early sixties. Although more than 20 years have passed since he finished his football career, he has not changed very much. His is body so well-built that he could still be a professional footballer. With his cheerful smile, he makes happier everyone around. This smile causes even that the wrinkles on his face magically disappear. Kenny in important occasions wears well-tailed suit, but under a normal circumstances he chooses casual style.
Kenny’s most noticeable advantages are his extremely modest and gentleness. He always respect his opponent, and talk about them in gentle way. What is also worth to mention is that in 2004 he with his wife Marina founded a foundation which helps to treat breast cancer. That is the example of his fantastic generous and goodness.
In my opinion, the most important thing about Kenny Dalglish is that the success and popularity has never gone to his head. He was the perfect player, he is the perfect manager, husband and father. He is the character, that should be admired by young generation.
Dzięki z góry za pomoc.
if there were more people like him. - albo if there were more people who like him, albo if more people liked him // 2 conditional
King Kenny, that is his nickname - dałbym: king kenny, as is his nickname...
has not changed very much. - ja bym wywalił te very, ewentualnie dał that much i złączył hasn't
His is body so well-built - inwersja is z body, albo krótko He is so well-built
This smile causes even that the wrinkles on his face magically disappear. - dałbym: This smile causes even the wrinkles on his face to magically disappear.
Kenny in important occasions wears - On important occasions Kenny wears...
Kenny’s most noticeable advantages are his extremely modest and gentleness. - modesty(?)
He always respect his opponent - respects/opponents
fantastic generous - użyj rzeczownika nie przymiotnika
co do sławy, która uderza do głowy - jeśli zwrot którego użyłeś jest sprawdzony to ok, ale są na bank idiomy od tego zwrotu
player - dałbym footballer
ps, nie jestem anglistą, ani nigdy nie studiowałem tego języka, więc nie traktuj mnie jak wyroczni :)
z grubsza masz ok, gdzieniegdzie słownictwo bym pozmieniał ciut, ale ogólnie jest całkiem ok
jeszcze wyłapałem: but under a normal circumstances - bez A, i zaraz potem może zamiast chooses dać prefers?
Dzięki wielkie, 2 czy 3 błędy wynikają z tego, że poprawiając coś zapomniałem zmienić dokładnie, bym wyłapał pewnie później i tak ;) Może ktoś jeszcze by rzucił okiem ?
i zmień szyk, chociaz to tak na wyczucie - ...describe is former Scottish footballer...